Space Hotels vs Space Stations

October 18, 2021

Space Hotels vs Space Stations: Who's the Coolest in the Cosmos?

Space is the final frontier, but is it a good place to relax? The concept of space tourism is no longer science-fiction. Private companies such as Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and Blue Origin are aiming to bring civilians to space and enjoy a breathtaking view of planet Earth. But while they're at it, where would they stay? Would it be a space station or a space hotel? Let's compare both and see which one floats our rocket.


A space station is a spacecraft designed to remain in low Earth orbit for an extended period to accommodate crew and equipment. It's a sophisticated structure that requires years to plan, construct, and launch into space. In contrast, space hotels are structures designed for tourists to provide accommodation, food, and entertainment in space. The good news is that space hotels can be built on Earth then launched into space and assembled by robots or human spaceflight participants.

Operational Differences

Space stations are built to conduct scientific experiments and fulfill research objectives. They are equipped with laboratories, telescopes, and robotic arms to provide scientific value for space exploration. Their purpose is scientific research, not leisure. On the other hand, space hotels prioritize comfort and provide amenities such as restaurants, bars, and even spas.


A stay at a space station is like working at a research center where astronauts spend most of their time conducting experiments or performing maintenance tasks. The lack of gravity can disrupt bodily functions, making it less comfortable to live in. Besides, the atmosphere is rigorous, with strict schedules and tedious workloads.

A space hotel provides a more leisurely experience. The view from the hotel window is stunning, with planet Earth just outside. Guests can indulge in space food and drink cocktails in zero-gravity. Guests have more control over their schedules, with the opportunity to relax more than a space station.


The bad news is that space tourism is expensive, and the cost of staying at a space hotel or a space station isn't any cheaper. Currently, each space tourist visiting the International Space Station (ISS) through SpaceX pays $55 million for a 10-day trip. On the other hand, the price for staying at the Aurora Station (an under-development space hotel) will cost each guest $9.5 million for a 12-day stay. So while each option is expensive, space hotels offer more luxurious amenities for the buck.


Both space hotels and space stations offer their pros and cons. Space stations prioritize scientific research and provide a rigorous environment, while space hotels cater to leisure and offer more amenities. However, with consistent updates in space technology, we may soon see a more accessible and affordable space tourism industry in the future.


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